B. Eng., M. Eng. (Mech., thermofluids and energy sciences)
Phone: 613-728-9200
Click here to e-mail Mr. Harris.
Mr. Harris has 30 years experience as a mechanical engineer/project manager, science and technology communications professional, technical trainer and S&T advisor to a former Opposition Senior Environment Critic in Canada’s Parliament. For the past 14 years, he has been working with a team of scientists and engineers to promote a sensible approach to a range of energy and environmental topics, climate change in particular. Here is a short video excerpt from one of his many public presentations.
Mr. Harris is regularly published in newspapers in Canada and the U.S. and occasionally in Australia, New Zealand, the U.K. and other countries. He is often interviewed on radio and occasionally TV. Mr. Harris is the past Executive Director of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project. He is one of hundreds of policy advisors to The Heartland Institute.
From 2009 to 2011 (four sessions), he taught a total of 1,500 students "Climate Change: an Earth Sciences Perspective", a second year course in the Faculty of Sciences at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. He speaks about the approach he has taken with this course below (March 30, 2011). An excerpt from a lecture in 2011 may be viewed here.